Important considerations when choosing to have your pet put to sleep at home

Saying your final goodbye to a beloved pet is one of the most challenging decisions you face as a pet owner. When considering end-of-life care options, such as having your pet put to sleep, many owners are now exploring the possibility of home euthanasia services. While this option offers the comfort of familiar surroundings, there are important considerations to keep in mind before making this decision.

Comfort and Familiarity

Home pet euthanasia allows your pet to pass away in the comfort and familiarity of their own home. Consider whether your pet would be more at ease in a familiar environment, surrounded by their loved ones compared to visiting a veterinary surgery. Although your vet will try to make the euthanasia appointments as stress-free as possible for you and your pet, a veterinary surgery may not always be a calm and tranquil setting.

Quality of Life

The decision to put your pet to sleep will usually be made as part of an assessment of your pet's quality of life and overall well-being. Consulting with your vet can help determine if euthanasia is the most compassionate option for your pet.

Emotional Preparedness

Consider your own emotional readiness for when the time comes. Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is incredibly difficult, and witnessing their passing at home may intensify emotions. Ensure you have a support system in place to help you cope with the grief and loss.


Think about the practicalities of having your pet put to sleep at home. Who will be in the house at the time of the appointment? Will it be a calm and tranquil atmosphere? Where will you want your pet to be when the time comes for your appointment? Planning some of the practicalities in advance can help you ensure you are prepared when the time comes.

Aftercare Options

Think about what you would like to happen to your pet after they have passed. For example, consider whether you would like your pet to be cremated or if you prefer to bury them in a special place. Understanding the available options can help you make decisions ahead of time.

Cost Considerations

Home euthanasia services will generally incur additional costs compared to euthanasia appointments at the veterinary practice. Take the time to understand the fees involved and consider whether this is within your budget.

Professional Support

Seek support and guidance from your vet throughout the decision-making process as they are there to help and advise you. They can provide valuable insights and advice tailored to your pet's specific needs and circumstances and will be available to help you with such a difficult decision.


Choosing to have your pet put to sleep at home is a deeply personal decision that requires careful consideration. By weighing the factors mentioned above and seeking guidance from your vet, you can ensure that your beloved companion receives the most compassionate and dignified end-of-life care possible. Ultimately, the aim is to provide your pet with a peaceful passing surrounded by love and comfort.


How much does it cost to put my pet to sleep at home?


Beyond the vet surgery: End-of-Life Care with Home Pet Euthanasia in Exeter and East Devon